Yinji ShenTu

I am currently a research assistant in ZJU3DV, advised by Xiaowei Zhou in Zhejiang University. Before join ZJU3DV, I received my B.S. degree from Dalian University of Technology and MSc degree from The University of Hong Kong. I used to work as an intern algorithm researcher at Hikvision.

My research interests are in computer vision and graphics, especially with deep learning. Recently I focus on 3D vision and editing. Although I have just started my research career, my vision is to enable computers to better understand and simulate the real world, which corresponds to vision and graphics tasks.

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My research interests are mentioned above. Representative papers are highlighted.

Dyn-E: Local Appearance Editing of Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields
Shangzhan Zhang, Sida Peng, Yinji ShenTu, Shuai Qing, Tianrun Chen, Kaicheng Yu, Hujun Bao, Xiaowei Zhou
project page / video / arXiv

First one try to solve dynamic appearance edit with only single-image input.

Thanks Jon Barron for sharing this website's template source code.